Illustrative Composites for Surreal Worlds

Sometimes to properly present and advertise a product, we need to create illustrative composites – images that would be impossible to shoot in one shot. These surreal worlds can be comical or serious. They're really a series of photographs that have been painstakingly blended together into one final image. Each separate part is photographed to match the lighting and angles of the final image, and then digitally mixed together, with each piece being blended in to create the illustrative composite image.


Using this technique, I can combine the clean, crisp commercial studio lighting needed to make your product pop, with unreal backgrounds. The results are eye-grabbing illustrations like these below. Some of these examples were created by combining of over 50 separate images. And some include a simplified animation to give you a brief overview of what's possible.

Video showing how it was made.

Magazine Work

This image was created for a magazine article promoting an event in Las Vegas. I wanted to capture the feel of Vegas for this image that would go across two pages.


The animation below it shows the various parts and how it all comes together.

Video showing how it was made.

Composites for Bands

I use this technique a lot for bands. We always need impactful  images for album covers, posters, and visual pieces for banners and social media. I'll often shoot the parts separately, then digitally build the final image afterwards.

Video showing how it was made.

Video showing how it was made.

Video showing how it was made.

Video showing how it was made.

All Images and Content © Bry Cox,,